Category Archives: Marketing Automation

Email Delivery Vs Email Deliverability in Marketing Automation

Are you aware of the fact that only 79% of the total commercial emails are delivered securely in the inbox? Surprised? Okay, so you can calm down as we are also aware of the word spam where the rest of our commercial emails land off. In various marketing automation tools, email marketing is one of its…

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Making Decision, Which Marketing Automation Tool is Best Suited for Your Organization

Well, running an organization is not easy. At every step, you need to have correct strategies and when it comes to marketing automation you need to be sure to have productive results. Do you need marketing automation? Your marketing activities can be automated naturally through marketing automation. But for the best automation tools, you must…

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why marketing automation will not fit your organization

Why Marketing Automation will not Fit Your Organization?

Ever seen those funny fail videos on YouTube. If you haven’t then you must cuz they are hilarious. The videos basically feature people who think of doing something grand but end up failing in their quest and their failure becomes a source of laughter for others. Marketing automation exactly like these funny fail YouTube videos….

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A Fool with A Tool is Still a Fool

A Fool With A Tool is Still A Fool

As I wrote in my earlier articles about the Power of Marketing Automation and The Role of Marketing Automation in B2B Industry, how important it is for today’s Marketing World. I was watching the Spiderman movie and I still remember the dialogue of Peter Parker (Actor): Whatever life holds in store for me, I will never forget these…

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GDPR and Marketing Automation

GDPR and Marketing Automation

GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), was launched recently in the European union and is meant to protect the data of all citizens. This new rule will govern the way in which organizations collect and use data from individuals. This law has been implemented in order to safeguard user’s data. The law was defined in 2016…

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